Why I still attend modern bike trade shows
When I was young I couldn't wait to visit the national cycle trade show. I had the fever getting there every year coming, until I had the possibility to touch many bikes as possible, understand what was new and try to find the racing bike of my dreams. Every year that bike remained always on my dreams. Many time it was a concept (unfortunately not in catalogue) or something too expensive for my time! Also if in different perspective, every year since, this needs of discovering the new make me plan to attend some trade shows. Frequently, I opt for the biggest international trade shows dedicated to industry community and for a couple of national events based on the number and quality of exhibitors. In few weeks, one of the biggest - Eurobike - starts, so this means the whole bicycle industry, or at least a portion of it (this time), is very busy to get everything ready before the start of the event. I say “a portion”, because I sadly noticed the absence of many big brands this year. Not something new, it is the trend that all the cycling trade shows are facing from years, struggling to get their old appeal. Many big companies have preference to do their own in house event focused on their dealers, I cannot blame them for it. And, I have not a reply to the question if exhibiting at trade shows is a waste on money. What is certain, is that, in the past decade a lot of changing happened. The new marketing and selling strategies has been matched with the incapacity of the old fairs to adapt and find new timing and solutions for this new era. Moreover, we come from a period where many trade shows were around and redundant, and frankly where the business was the organization of the event itself more than the business between exhibitors/visitors.

Be clear, I’m open to new way of presenting and sell products, but at the same time I’m a bit nostalgic of a trade show where at same time you can meet everybody of your industry. And maybe more, I miss that waiting for that period of the year in which the innovations were presented to the public at the same time and place. With the idea, that only there competitors could present something that could change the game, before start to think what to do for coming year trade show.
Not simple job however to make everybody agreed on period and place nowadays. I just think that spread in multiple mini event could be counterproductive for companies that exhibit and visitors that attend. And the attendance trend demonstrate it.
My activities during the industry focussed trade shows, as you have imagine, differ a bit from what the real attendance visitors (dealers) do. I don’t have to close any wholesale agreement in a certain period. What I do, frequently is breath the air of the new trends, try to discover something that could be a game-changer. Talking with customers about ongoing project expectations or capt the customer reactions about something we have worked on. To meet old friends and have the chance to make new connections. Frequently, I have the possibility to touch some innovations I have noted online and talk with people behind to understand their opinion. So, more brands and people of the circuit are involved at the same event, better it is for me too.
Regarding this year EB trade show, also if the big are not there with their products, I’m sure some of their staff will be around. So, for me will be worth to be there a couple of days before planning the partecipation to next event. Moreover, although I see these absence, I notice quite a lot of new small brands. This means that this year I can focus more on it and have more time to go in search of small details.
If you will be in Friedrichshafen in September, and you want to schedule a business meeting, feel free to be in touch with me. Even if you don’t have a business to propose currently, there will be always time available to take a coffe and maybe discover interesting link. At the end, in this online linking era, trade shows could be old but always a effective way for discover interesting offline resources and making real connections!